The most common type of these malformations is focal cortical dysplasia.

Malformations of cortical development produce drug-resistant epilepsy in 76% of the cases, and it is the etiology of drug-resistant epilepsy in 15-20% of adult patients and over 50% of pediatric patients. As we have said cortical dysplasia is one of the most important causes of developmental malformation of the neocortex that includes a range of morphologic features, from the most subtle (microdysgenesis) to the most severe (hemimegalencephaly) and others like agyria, polimicrogyria or focal cortical dysplasia, and that are associated with multiple etiologic factors.
#Medical definition of eloquent tissue full#
Cortical dysplasia: these are the majority of malformations associated with pediatric epilepsy and include the full spectrum of neuronal migration disorders.In Engel’s book of Epilepsy, he describes these neocortical malformations as a heterogeneous group that can be roughly categorized as: But before focusing in developmental malformations I think we should talk a little about neocortical malformations in general. This is a malformative lesion of the brain due to an alteration of the normal process of cortical development. Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is the most commonly encountered developmental malformation causing refractory epilepsy.